CEO Fraud Prevention Checklist
May 24, 2019
There is no substitute for preparation when it comes to dealing with cybercriminals and the many types of CEO fraud. Here is a list of steps to take to safeguard your organization against the threat.

1. Identify your high-risk users such as HR, executives, IT managers, accounts and financial personnel
- Review each for what is posted on social media, company websites and in the public domain, especially job duties/descriptions, hierarchal information, and out of office details
- Identify email addresses that may be searchable in the public domain

2. Institute technical controls
- Email filtering
- Two-factor authentication
- Automated password and user ID policy enforcement
- Patching/updating of all IT and security systems
- Manage your network boundaries
- Manage access and permission levels
- Adopt whitelists or blacklists for external traffic

3. Policy
Institute wire transfer policy, such as:
- Multiple points of authorization (not just the CEO and one other person)
- Out of band verification – email and in person, for example
- Digital Signatures: Both entities on each side of a transaction should utilize digital signatures
- Time delays for all wire transfer over a certain amount

4. Institute policy concerning access to and release of financial information, IP, customer records and employee records

5. Procedures
- Make staff study security policy and enforce this
- Establish how executive leadership is to be informed about cyber-threats and their resolution
- Establish a schedule for the testing of the cyber-incident response plan
- Register as many as possible company domains that are slightly different than the actual company domain
- Implement Domain Spoof Protection
- Create intrusion detection system rules that flag emails with extensions that are similar to company email

6. Cyber-risk planning
- Develop a comprehensive cyber incident response plan
- Consider taking out comprehensive cybersecurity insurance that covers data breaches and CEO fraud
- Include cyber-risk in existing risk management and governance processes
- Understand what information you need to protect: identify the corporate “crown jewels.”
→ How to store the information
→ Who has access
→ How to protect it

7. Training
- Train users on the basics of cyber and email security
- Train users on how to identify and deal with phishing attacks with new-school security awareness training
- Frequently phish your users to keep awareness up
- Implement a reporting system for suspected phishing emails such as the PhishAlert Button
- Continue security training regularly to keep it top of mind

8. Red flags
Watch out for fraudulent or phishing emails bearing the following red flags:
- Urgency
- Spoofed email addresses
- Demands for wire transfers
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